Services and facilities

Albir Playa Hotel & Spa

Reasons for staying

At Albir Playa Hotel & Spa we provide you with the best customer service for your visit to El Albir. Here you will enjoy customised spaces and a personalised service that combines fun, relaxation and comfort. Discover all the services we have to offer!

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel


Located in the facilities of the Senses Spa. Subject to opening hours.

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel

Outdoor pool

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel


Paid service subject to availability.

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel

Charging points for electric cars

Paid service subject to availability.

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel


Only during the high season.

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel

Transfer service to the beach

Only during the high season.

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel


Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel


Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel

Excursion and activity management

Services and facilities - Albir Playa Hotel

Late check-out

Paid service subject to availability.